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Associate Professor in Hunan University Solves “Goldbach Conjecture” of Linguistics

Good news from Hunan University: Research paper written by an Associate Professor from the College of Foreign Languages of Hunan University, He Chuansheng, which explains how a third person pronoun makes anaphora to the forgoing indefinite noun, was published in the world’s top philosophy journal, Synthese. It successfully unravels the “Goldbach Conjecture” of logical semantics, which was raised by famous English philosopher Bertrand Russell. Jaakko Hintikka, winner of Rolf Schock Prizes, world’s highest award for philosophy and logistics, appraised Mr. He’s achievements in this field.

Mr. He’s paper is titled “E-type interpretation without E-type pronoun: How Peirce’s Graphs capture the uniqueness implication of donkey pronouns in discourse anaphora”. Liu Zhengguang, dean of the College of Foreign Languages of Hunan University, also praised Mr. He’s paper as the first breakthrough achieved by Chinese in logical semantics field, which is commonly dominated by westerners.

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