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Hunan University Students Paint University Town of Western Bank of Xiangjiang River


At the beginning of the new term, a team called "Hand-drawing of Hunan University" consisting of three male students majored in engineering and their new team members greeted their fellow students with a hand-painted map of the university town on the west bank of Xianjiang River, named as "A Bite ofChangsha".

Solely drawn with pencil, the location of universities and bus stations across this area were vividly depicted on the frontage, while tips of living and study here were on the back. Wei Xiaoyu, leader of the team, said that a meaningful and delicate map with tips for new comers in Changsha was to make their life better here.

He expressed his hope that more maps of this kind could get published and handed out to over 20,000 freshmen in the university town.

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  • Address: Lushan Road (S), Yuelu District,

  • Changsha, Hunan Province

  • Zip Code: 410082

  • Email: xiaoban@hnu.cn  

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