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Hunan University, Central South University and Flinders University Jointly Launch "Seed Fund"
Cooperative Research and Education Center and "Seed Fund" in collaboration with Hunan University, Central South University and Flinders University were launched in Changsha recently. The three prestigious universities injected approximately 4 million yuan into this fund. Jen Tyrell, counselor of Australian Embassy in China and Re Fuhua, vice director of the Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Hunan Provincial Government jointly unveiled the "Seed fund" plate.
Jen Tyrell pronounced the establishment of this center as a model of China-Australia cooperation in education. She believed this cooperation will bring new vitality and inspiration to partners and yield fruitful results.
Huang Yao, head of the International Exchange Office of Science and Technology Department of Hunan Province believed that this collaboration will contribute to outstanding achievements in industry, education and scientific research in the two countries.

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