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Romano Prodi Visits Hunan University





Romano Prodi makes a speech at Hunan University

Romano Prodi, former president of the European Commission and Italy's former Prime Minister, and Mrs. Prodi visited Hunan University and delivered a speech there on Sept.9 at the invitation of the university and Zoomlion Heavy Industry.

"I have long considered University of Bologna as the oldest one, but today I have seen the even older one and got the chance to know ancient Chinese culture. It's very fantastic." said Romano Prodi when he visited Yuelu Academy and was informed of its profound history and fame. He also had a cordial conversation with Li Keli, secretary of the CPC Committee of Hunan University at the Wenchang Pavilion of Yuelu Academy. They had reached a consensus on academic communication and collaboration between Hunan University and Italian universities.

In the end, he gave a lecture themed with Sino-EU Economic and Trade Communication and its Outlook to over 700 students and faculties at the auditorium of Hunan University. He also exchanged views with the audience on issues they are concerned about.

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