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Madagascan Minister of National Education Visits HNU

HNU and the Ministry of National Education of Madagascar signed a MoU on jointly constructing the China-Madagascar Cultural Exchange Center on September 7, 2024. The center, under the framework of the HNU China-Africa Cultural Exchange Center, will engage in promoting cultural, educational, and scientific and technological cooperation between China and Madagascar.

Xiao Hao, executive director of the HNU China-Africa Cultural Exchange Center and executive secretary general of the China-Africa Economy and Trade Research Institute, and the representative of the Ministry of National Education of Madagascar, inked the MoU together. SAHONDRARIMALALA Marie Michelle, minister of National Education of Madagascar, and HNU Vice President Jiang Chao, witnessed the signing.

During her visit in HNU, SAHONDRARIMALALA Marie Michelle noted that youth and education play a core rule in China-Madagascar relationship. She visited China this time for the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) which provides unprecedented opportunities for educational cooperation between the two countries. She expected that substantial projects will be implemented promptly after the signing of the MoU, with an aim to boost prosperity of education and culture of both sides.

Vice President Jiang said that HNU will actively respond to the national strategy, giving full play to its superiorities and being committed to boosting cultural exchanges and cooperation between China and Africa. The university will fully support the cooperation projects between the two sides, providing more high-quality educational resources for young Malagasy students, and enhancing mutual understanding and friendship between the two peoples.

During the visit, SAHONDRARIMALALA Marie Michelle and his entourage visited Yuelu Academy, experiencing the charm of traditional Chinese culture. She also visited the HNU China-Africa Cultural Exchange Center and the China-Africa Economy and Trade Research Institute. She highly affirmed the think-tank work of the institute and expressed high expectation on the center for facilitating China-Madagascar cultural cooperation.

At the China-Africa Cultural Exchange Center, SAHONDRARIMALALA Marie Michelle exchanged views with Malagasy students studying in Hunan Province, encouraging them to cherish the opportunity to study and act as envoys of friendly exchanges between the two countries.

上一条:Vice President Li Visits Japanese, South Korean Universities 下一条:HNU Hosts Forum of Internet Yuelu Summit 2024


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