Prof. Wang Shuangyin from HNU College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, and the State Key Laboratory of Chemo/Biosensing and Chemometrics, received two honors recently – the Nano Research Young Innovator Award, and the Materials Today Rising Star Award.
The Nano Research Young Innovator Award was established by theNano Researcheditorial committee in 2018, aiming to commend the young researchers in various fields related to nanoscience and nanotechnology, in recognition of their distinguished accomplishments and/or potential to make substantial contributions to their fields. All the awardees were invited to submit research or review papers that underwent through a rigorous peer-review process. This year, 44 outstanding young investigators under 45 were selected.Nano Researchwill publish a Special Issue featuring their work shortly.

The Materials Today Rising Star Award recognize early career researchers (within 15 years since completion of a PhD) in the fields of Quantum materials, Soft and Intelligent Robotics, Energy Storage Materials, Materials for Sustainability or Energy Conversion who have demonstrated themselves to be exceptionally capable researchers, with the potential to become future leaders in the field. The winners will receive an award of 1,000 USD each, and invitation to author a special review article for the flagshipMaterials Todayjournal (impact factor 24.537).