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HNU and UK Ta Kung Pao Sign Cooperation Agreement



Hunan University and Ta Kung Pao ink a strategic cooperation agreement.

On July 30th, 110th anniversary celebration of Hong Kong's Ta Kung Pao newspaper and the launch ceremony for Hong Kong's focus on Hunan's construction of four modernizations (new industrialization, agricultural modernization, urbanization and informatization) and "Two-Oriented" society were held in Changsha.

HNU president Zhao Yueyu and chief of Ta Kung Pao Jiang Zaizhong inked a strategic cooperation agreement at the ceremony, jointly expecting to promote further exploration on academic programs, social services, innovative researches and development of both sides.
Leaders who graced the event with their presence include Xu Yousheng, member of the standing committee of the CPC Hunan Provincial Committee and director Hunan publicity Department, Yang Taibo, deputy director of the Hunan Provincial People’s Congress, Li Youzhi, vice governor of Hunan Province, and Wang Xiaoqin, vice chairman of the CPPCC Hunan Provincial Committee.

上一条:Hunan University to Build its Third Campus in Xiangtan 下一条:HK Medias Visit Hunan University


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