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Hunan University to Build its Third Campus in Xiangtan

Secretary of the CPC Hunan University Committee Liu Keli and his delegation paid a special visit to Xiangtan's Jiuhua Economic Development Zone on August 10, targeting at accelerating the establishment of a third campus for the university there.

Hunan University, a national key university affiliated to the Ministry of Education of China, is included in China's "211 Project" and "985 Project" enjoying the priority in investment and construction.
The new campus is projected to hold a culture and quality development base for freshmen, a center for automotive research and experiment (College of Automobile), an aerospace research center (College of Aviation), a research center for entrepreneurial industries, a center for academic exchange and activities, the Institute of Life Science, the Institute of Hunan Culture, and the Jiuhua International Forum (discipline of humanities and history).
The proposed site for the new campus is to the west of Xiangjiang College and to the north of Shanghai-Kunming High-Speed Railway. A comprehensive construction scheme is currently underway.

上一条:GACC President Liu Chao-Shiuan Delivers Speech at Hunan University 下一条:HNU and UK Ta Kung Pao Sign Cooperation Agreement


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