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GACC President Liu Chao-Shiuan Delivers Speech at Hunan University





On the morning of August 31, Liu Chao-Shiuan, president of the General Association of Chinese Culture (GACC), gave a speech entitled "The Analysis and Practice of Kingly Way Thought Culture in 21 Century" at the auditorium of Hunan University. Chen Zhaoxiong, vice governor of Hunan Province, attended the lecture.

In the lecture, Liu discussed the significance of kingly way thought (Wangdao in Chinese) in modern times. He thinks that the kingly way thought we pursue today is a kind of balanced, ordered and diversified development concept that is in line with harmony and sustainability between man and nature, man and society, and different states and regions.
We should try to seek the essence of traditional culture and science so as to promote the revitalization of Chinese culture in economy, environment protection, scientific research, cultural traditions, etc.
After the speech, Liu communicated with teachers and students from Hunan University.

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