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12 College Teams Contend for Venture Award


The Regional Semi-final of the second China Ping'an Venture Contest in the Central South of China was held in Hunan University. 12 teams from the 4 provinces in the central south including Guangdong, Henan, Hubei and Hunan competed there to get the qualification for the national Final event.

A total of 558 teams took part in this contest. The contest combines both education and competition on venture, requiring college students to form competitive teams with interdisciplinary and complementary advantages to propose a product or service with potential markets and complete a detailed and feasible venture plan.

With experts' review, new winners from Guangdong and Changsha Lüjia EP Team from Hunan finally excelled other teams. They will contend with eight wining teams from the other regional semi-finals for the 100,000 yuan venture fund.

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  • Email: xiaoban@hnu.cn  

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