一、资助内容Values of Scholarship
Exempt from Registration fee, Medical Insurance fee, Tuition fee, and Accommodation fee for dormitory on campus;
Monthly allowance is granted to the students through the bank card
at the following rates: a. Bachelor’ degree students: CNY 1,000 Yuan per month(4 years) ; b. Master’s degree students: CNY1,200 Yuan per month (2.5 years);
二、专业目录Majors Offered
Majors for Bachelor(English-taught, Four years):Business Administration; Electrical Engineering and Its Automation; Mechanical Design, Manufacture & Automation; Computer Science and Technology;
Majors for Master (English-taught, Two and a half years):Business Administration; Electrical Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Computer Science and Technology;
Programs for Bachelor (Chinese-taught, Four years) and for Master (Chinese-taught, Two and a half years) cover all the majors in 24 colleges of Hunan University. Disciplines involve 11 subject categories, namely philosophy, economics, law, education, literature, history, science, engineering, management, medicine and arts, You can find more details in attachment.
三、申请资质Criteria &Eligibility
Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens and in good health.
The age of applicants applying for Bachelor must be from 18 to 30 and for Master must be from 18 to 35.
四、语言要求Language Requirement:
1、英文授课专业(English-taught Programs)
English as mother Tongue/ official language, you should submit the proof that English is the mother tongue;
--母语为非英语国家的学生,申请时须提交湖南大学认可的英语成绩如IEIT 6.0或TOEFL 80,或者参加湖南大学的英语考试;
English as non-native language, you should submit English-learning transcripts with recognition of Hunan University such as IELTS 6.0 or TOEFL 80, Or pass the English test of Hunan University;
2、中文授课专业(Chinese-taught Programs)
Applying the majors related to Chinese language, you should submit the certificate of HSK 4;
Applying the majors not related to Chinese language, you should submit the certificate of HSK 5;
五、申请材料Application Documents
Applicants shouldregister online andfill in the application form online. The Online Application System is available onhttp://hnu.17gz.org/
Highest diploma (notarized photocopy):Documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized translations in Chinese or English.
Academic transcripts (notarized photocopy): Transcripts in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized translations in Chinese or English.
4、 学习或研究计划(不少于800字,申请本科无须提交,只限硕士);
A study or research plan (no less than 800 words, only applicants applying for master should submit it). It must be in Chinese or in English.
TwoRecommendation letters(only applicants applying for master should submit it)in Chinese or English from professors or associate professors.
Photocopy of Foreigner Physical Examination Form and Blood Test Report(Print the 2 pages in the last 2 pages of this announcement, and make health check in any major hospitals in China or your country. The original copy should be kept by the applicant.) The form is filled in English. The medical examinations must cover all the items listed in the Foreigner Physical Examination Form. Incomplete records or those without the signature of the attending physician, the official stamp of the hospital or a sealed photograph of the applicants are invalid. Please select the appropriate time to take medical examination as it is valid for only 6 months.
Passport Copy
Non-criminal Record
a. 1 of 4 English Certificate below
[1]English as mother Tongue/ official language (must submit certificates to prove)
[2]English-learning results with recognition of Admission Office of Hunan University
[3]IELTS 6.0 or TOEFL 80
[4]Pass the English Entry Test of Hunan University
b. Certificate of Chinese Learning such as HSK 4 for Chinese-taught programs;
After finishing online application, applicants are required to send all the application documentsin duplicatesto the following address by international expressbefore June 30th, 2019.
七、邮寄地址Post Address
OfficeB160,InternationalStudentsApartmentofHunanUniversity,Dezhiyuan,ZuoJialong,YueluDistrict,Changsha, Hunan Province, P.R. China. Post Code: 410082; TEL/FAX: 0086-731-88823130; EMAIL: zhoukai@hnu.edu.cn
Application documents will not be returned.
List of Programs

本科申请材料清单Application checklist for bachelor applicant(all items must be checked):
□Application Form of Hunan University fromhttp://hnu.17gz.org/湖南大学申请表从http://hnu.17gz.org/填写
**All blanks of Application form must be filled.
□Photocopy of valid passport(The passport used to apply must be the same with passport used for entry into China and registration in Hunan University, with a validity of over one year)/有效护照复印件(须与入境护照为同一本护照,有效期一年以上)
□Physical Examination Form ( must be within 6 months) (photocopy)/体检表(6个月以内体检结果复印件)
** All the blanks of the forms must be filled
** A photo is needed on the report
** The photo must be stamped by the hospital
** Doctor must sign at the end of the report
** A hospital stamp is needed at the end
** The date of Health Report is needed
** The full name is required in the first blank which should be the same with passport name.
□A formal Graduation and Degree Certificate of your high school education(photocopy)/高中毕业证(复印件)
□Transcript of your high school education (photocopy)/高中学习成绩单(复印件)
□Non-criminal Certificate(issued by public security department within 6 months)/无犯罪记录证明(公安局开具6个月以内)
** Must be issued by local police station if the student is studying in China
□Language Certificate (HSK4 or English Certificate)/语言成绩(HSK4或者英语成绩)
If you are currently study in China, you need to add following documents:
□Personal Statement(in English or Chinese the reason of applying for Hunan University)/中文/英文个人陈述
□Proof of Study from Currently University/在读证明
**The documents above should be original documents in English or in Chinese; otherwise notarized translations in English or Chinese are required/上述申请材料需要提交英文或中文原件,或经公证的英文或中文译文。
**All the application documents will not be returned whether the application is accepted or not/无论申请人是否被录取,上午申请材料恕不退还。
I hereby affirm that/申请人保证:
(1) I hereby declare all the information provided here is true and correct to the best of my knowledge/我在此申明所填写的内容真实无误;
(2) I shall abide by Chinese laws, decrees and rules, regulations of university, and will not participate in any activity in China which is deemed to be adverse to the social order of China and are inappropriate to the capacity as a student/在校学习期间遵守中国的法律法规和学校的规章制度,不从事任何危害中国社会秩序的,与本人来华学习身份不符合的活动。
申请人签名/Signature of the applicant:____________________________________________
The application is invalid without the applicant’s signature/无申请人签名,申请无效
硕士申请材料清单Application checklist for Master Degree (all items must be checked):
□Application Form of Hunan University湖南大学申请表
**All blanks of Application form must be filled.
□Photocopy of valid passport(The passport used to apply must be the same with passport used for entry into China and registration in Hunan University)/有效护照复印件(须与入境护照为同一本护照)
□Foreigner Physical Examination Form ( must be within 6 months) (photocopy)/体检表(6个月以内体检结果复印件)
** All the blanks of the forms must be filled
** A photo is needed on the report
** The photo must be stamped by the hospital
** Doctor must sign at the end of the report
** A hospital stamp is needed at the end
** The date of Health Report is needed
** The full name is required in the first blank which should be the same with passport name.
□A formal Graduation and Degree Certificate of Bachelor education(photocopy)/本科毕业证学位证(复印件)
□Transcript of your bachelor education (photocopy)/本科学习成绩单(复印件)
□2 recommendation letters(original in English or in Chinese)/2封推荐信(英文或中文原件)
□Research Proposal of 800 words/800字研究计划
□Non-criminal Certificate(issued by public security department within 6 months)/无犯罪记录证明(公安局开具6个月以内)
** Must be issued by local police station if the student is studying in China
□Language Certificate (HSK4 or English Certificate)/语言成绩(HSK4或者英语成绩)
If you are currently study in China, you need to add following documents:
□Personal Statement(in English or Chinese the reason of applying for Hunan University)/中文/英文个人陈述
□Proof of Study from Currently University/在读证明
**The documents above should be original documents in English or in Chinese; otherwise notarized translations in English or Chinese are required/上述申请材料需要提交英文或中文原件,或经公证的英文或中文译文。
**All the application documents will not be returned whether the application is accepted or not/无论申请人是否被录取,上述申请材料恕不退还。
I hereby affirm that/申请人保证:
(1) I hereby declare all the information provided here is true and correct to the best of my knowledge/我在此申明所填写的内容真实无误;
(2) I shall abide by Chinese laws, decrees and rules, regulations of university, and will not participate in any activity in China which is deemed to be adverse to the social order of China and are inappropriate to the capacity as a student/在校学习期间遵守中国的法律法规和学校的规章制度,不从事任何危害中国社会秩序的,与本人来华学习身份不符合的活动。
申请人签名/Signature of the applicant:____________________________________________
The application is invalid without the applicant’s signature/无申请人签名,申请无效