The 2016 Asia Pacific Rule of Law Forum opened in Changsha recently. It was co-organized by Law School of Hunan University, and Law School of University of South Australia.
The Forum attracted nearly 40 experts and academics from judicial system and universities, such as University of South Australia (UniSA), National University of Malaysia, Kettering University of the U.S.A., Bangor University of the UK, Chungbuk National University of South Korea, as well as Hunan University (HNU), and Zhongnan University of Economics and Law.
Six sub-forums were set, respectively concerning civil law and corporation law, intellectual property law, legal education, competition law, international economic law, criminal and anti-corruption. 28 law experts from seven countries and regions gave lectures on these topics, and received professional comments.
Dean of HNU Law School Prof. Qu Maohui summarized the Forum at the closing ceremony. Vice President of the China University of Political Science and Law Prof. Shi Jianzhong highly appraised the Forum for its contributions to China’s law science development.