List of Undergraduate Subjects 2021
No. Discipline Sub-discipline Subject Length of Schooling Notes
1 Economics Economics Economics 4 Years
2 Economic Statistics 4 Years
3 Public Finance Public Finance 4 Years
4 Finance Finance 4 Years
5 Insurance 4 Years
6 Actuarial Science 4 Years
7 Economics and Trade International Economics and Trade 4 Years
8 Law Law Law 4 Years
9 Politics Politics and Public Administration 4 Years Suspended enrollment in 2021
10 Marxist Theory Marxist Theory 4 Years Newly added in 2021
11 Education Physical Education Exercise Training 4 Years Suspended enrollment in 2021
12 Literature Chinese Language and Literature Chinese Language and Literature 4 Years
13 Foreign Languages and Literature English Language 4 Years
14 Japanese Language 4 Years
15 Journalism and Communication Journalism 4 Years
16 Advertising 4 Years
17 History History History 4 Years
18 Science Mathematics Mathematics and Applied Mathematics 4 Years
19 Information and Computing Science 4 Years
20 Physics Applied Physics 4 Years
21 Chemistry Chemistry 4 Years
22 Applied Chemistry 4 Years
23 Chemical Biology 4 Years Newly added in 2021
24 Biological Science Biotechnology 4 Years
25 Statistics Statistics 4 Years
26 Engineering Mechanics Engineering Mechanics 4 Years
27 Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Design, Manufacturing and Automation 4 Years
28 Material Forming and Control Engineering 4 Years Suspended enrollment in 2021
29 Industrial Design 4 Years
30 Vehicle Engineering 4 Years
31 Intelligent Manufacturing 4 Years Newly added in 2020, and started enrollment in 2021
32 Instruments Measurement Technology and Instruments 4 Years
33 Materials Materials Science and Engineering 4 Years
34 Energy and Powering Energy and Powering Engineering 4 Years
35 Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering and Automation 4 Years
36 Electronic Information Electronic Information Engineering 4 Years
37 Electronic Science and Technology 4 Years
38 Communication Engineering 4 Years
39 Artificial Intelligence (AI) 4 Years Newly added in 2021
40 Automation Automation 4 Years
41 Robotics Engineering 4 Years
42 Computer Science Computer Science and Technology 4 Years
43 Software Engineering 4 Years
44 Information Security 4 Years
45 Internet-of-Things Engineering 4 Years
46 Digital Media Technology 4 Years
47 Intelligence Science and Technology 4 Years
48 Data Science and Big Data Technology 4 Years
49 Confidentiality Technology 4 Years
50 Civil Engineering Civil Engineering 4 Years
51 Building Environment and Energy Application Engineering 4 Years
52 Water Supply and Drainage Science and Engineering 4 Years
53 Chemistry and Pharmacy Chemical Engineering and Technology 4 Years
54 Environmental Science and Engineering Environmental Engineering 4 Years
55 Environmental Science 4 Years
56 Biomedical Engineering Biomedical Engineering 4 Years
57 Architecture Architecture 5 Years
58 Urban Planning 5 Years
59 Landscape Architecture 5 Years Suspended enrollment in 2021
60 Management Management Science and Engineering Information Management and Information System 4 Years
61 Engineering Management 4 Years
62 Confidentiality Management 4 Years Suspended enrollment in 2021
63 Business Administration Business Administration 4 Years
64 Marketing 4 Years
65 Accounting 4 Years
66 Financial Management 4 Years
67 Public Administration Public Administration 4 Years
68 Industrial Engineering Industrial Engineering 4 Years
69 E-commerce E-commerce 4 Years
70 Art Drama and Film Studies Radio and Television Editing 4 Years
71 Broadcasting and Hosting Art 4 Years
72 Design Visual Communication Design 4 Years Suspended enrollment in 2021
73 Environment Design 4 Years Suspended enrollment in 2021
74 Product Design 4 Years Suspended enrollment in 2021

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