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2019 Yuelu International Young Scholars Forum Opens

The 2019 Yuelu International Young Scholars Forum opened at the National Supercomputing Center in Changsha on December 27. More than 100 young scholars from world-class universities and research institutions participated, such as Harvard University,the University of Cambridge, Imperial College London, and Nanyang Technological University. They exchanged views on cutting-edge science and technology, and world-class university construction.

Deng Wei, secretary of the CPC HNU Committee, and HNU President Duan Xianzhong addressed the opening ceremony. Vice President Jiang Jianhui presided over the ceremony.

Deng Wei, secretary of the CPC HNU Committee, speaks.

HNU President Duan Xianzhong speaks.

HNU Vice President Jiang Jianhui presides over the opening ceremony.

Liu Yuan, HNU professor and a candidate of the national overseas young talent program, speaks.

Tian Wang, a post-doctoral researcher at the University of California, Berkeley, speaks.

This year, 13 sub-forums were set, including civil engineering, chemistry, machinery, electrics, information, business administration, environment, physics, finance and statistics, materials, economy and trade, bioscience, and public management. The participatorshad academic discussions, keynote reports, and meetings, and visited campus and labs.

Sub-forum for civil engineering

Sub-forum for materials

Sub-forum for public management

Sub-forum for economy and trade

Sub-forum for bioscience

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  • Email: xiaoban@hnu.cn  

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