The online finals of the 8th China International College Students' "Internet" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition was held between November 11 and 13, 2022.
HNU's "Xinhuo Fanghua" projectwon the gold medal of the undergraduate student group in the higher education institutions event.
HNU's another vocal project for students withvisual impairment won the silver medal of the public benefit group in the event of "Dream Fulfilling Tours of Youths".
A total of 3.4 million projects and more than 14.5 million participants from 4,554 educational institutions in 108 countries and regions registered for participation. This was the first session of the competition with the participants exceeding 10 million. It is a grand stage of entrepreneurship and innovation for the youths around the globe.

Two team members of the HNU's "Xinhuo Fanghua" project